Let’s Talk Ticks
It’s That Time of Year to Think About Ticks
Spring, the season of flowers, warmer weather, beautiful days, walks in the park, working in the yard and ticks. We may not want to talk about ticks and spring in the same sentence, but it’s just one of those things that come with the territory. As we spend more time outside, we need to be conscious that this is the time of year that ticks and other pests begin to thrive. So, it is important to understand the risks of certain pests as well as how to reduce your exposure.
Most of us have had the experience of being outdoors by yourself or with a group of friends or family and someone finds a tick on them. It can ruin a day since we spend the rest of the time worried and constantly checking for ticks.
Ticks are parasites and need blood for both feeding and reproductive needs. Unfortunately, a tick bite can also cause serious health problems for both humans and pests. There are many species of tick here in Indiana, but the most common ticks are the American dog tick, lone star tick, and black-legged tick. These 3 types of ticks are usually pretty harmless to people. However, over the years, tick born illness is on the rise.
Ticks and Disease
We won’t go into much scientific detail about the differences between all the various types of ticks, but we will spend a moment on the black-legged tick. This small mahogany colored little pest is known for carrying Lyme disease which is what most of us are worried about getting from tick bites.
There are two other types of diseases Indiana ticks can carry other than Lyme disease; Mountain Spotted Fever and Ehrlichiosis. Symptoms of these three diseases range from spreading rashes, headaches, fatigue, fevers, to muscle aches. Despite your chances of contracting these diseases which are statistically very rare. However, if you are bitten, the best action to take is to remove the tick, save it and label it in a jar in case symptoms develop.
Tick Precautions
It is important to note, that although it’s statistically rare to contract these diseases, it does not mean it is not possible. In 2017, there were 250 tick-borne illness cases were reported in the state of Indiana alone. But there are a few precautions you can take in order to decrease the likelihood of being bitten:
- Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts.
- Tuck shirts into pants and pants into socks.
- Use insect repellant.
- Always check for ticks when you leave the woods or high grassy area.
- Utilize a pest control company for additional pest maintenance around your property.
Tick Control Solutions
Avoiding ticks is a difficult task and while you’re in the wood hiking, exploring or camping, utilizing the services of a pest control company can help with managing them in your yard.
Irish Brothers Pest Control has integrated pest management systems that can effectively reduce the tick population in your backyard. We have options to manage tick control with stand-alone reductions or year-round pest protection plans.
If you have any additional questions or would like an estimate on pest maintenance to help with any tick control issues on your property, contact Irish Brothers Pest Control at (317) 868-8208.